
The Trauma Tree!

Maya Angelou… “There is no greater agony than bearing the untold story inside of you” This is my very 1st YouTube from a presentation in 2016-17. Byron Lewis, a dear friend and colleague who passed away in 2017, filmed it. YouTube has an ad on it because it has been so popular. This is at

Monday Book Review (MBR) – Odd Psychology Stories for the Interested Person

Monday Book Review (on a Tuesday)! Today we will be discussing books that are full of psychological stories through the lenses of professionals and/or sufferers. Eminent therapists will tell of their most fascinating cases, how they approached them, and what they learned through the process. You will definitely be interested in each case as they

FBR: 13 Books to Answer all your Burning Questions on Psychology

Hey all! If you have an interest in psychology (which I think many people do) then you should totally check out these books. I believe everyone has burning questions about their or their friends behaviors, emotions, and so much more. Check out these starter guides to learn the history and implications of psychology. A lot

FBR: 15+ Books Written For Therapists and Others

Therapists, such as myself, have been recommended numerous books throughout my education. Books that will teach me therapy skills, self-care skills, general psychological knowledge, and even horror stories of worst-case scenario clients. It was certainly rare to get a book that was written for the novice therapist. I have, over the years, collected the books